We have purchased 2 x 12.2 m container rack bases similar to the 18th bridge. After estimating the cost of other solutions e.g, steel U Beams and sleepers, reinforced concrete, these bases satisfy our requirements as they have a capacity to carry very heavy loads and will allow the green staff much better machinery and vehicular access to various parts of our golf course . A big thank you to Bob Read for his time and effort in sourcing these bases as they are hard to come by at the moment.
The first bridge using these bases will be the 6th hole. The second base will be used to replace the bridge on the 7th hole as this bridge is showing signs of deterioration and will need attention in the near future.
The bridge over the water culvert on the 18th fairway will be replaced with a concrete structure spanning the culvert to the right of the fairway. This will include a section of cart path on entry and exit as Course Superintendent, Warren Smith, would like to eventually extend this path through the trees on the right to connect with the 1st tee area. This bridge will also be wider and stronger to give green staff better access to this part of the course.
The biggest problem we have at the moment is the weather as the course is too soft to get excavating equipment and concrete trucks safe access to the areas required so please be patient and hope for some dry weather.
Thanks to Andrew Dick who has spent many hours applying for grants to help cover the costs of these repairs and to those making donations to the club. Your support is much appreciated.
If anyone has any unwanted sheets of corrugated iron we can use for formwork please contact Peter Piggott at the club or on 0414526214.