WOMEN (Thursday): Results for 26th May 2016

Event – American Foursomes

Trophy – Wendy Morse

Winners – W. Morse & A. Highland (63.5)

Runners up – H. Coogan & W. O’Hare(65.5)

E. Hunt & L. Barr(66.5)
A. Kenzler & S. Piggott(66.5)
C. Clancy & M. Lucas(67)
L.Hill & M. Willett(67.5)
A. Morton & M. Miller (67.5)
J. Rabjohns & D. Weaver (69.5)

Approaches – D. Flanagan/B. Woolbank, C. Sykes/K. Gilmour

Great to see such a good field today and with such perfect weather.

A special thank you to Fay Wiggins who provided a delicious mud cake – most enjoyable.

Congratulations to all players.

Wendy O’Hare
Women’s Golf Director