WOMEN & VETS: 4 Person Ambrose – Results from 18th October 2016


A field of 56 enjoyed great weather, excellent company and some good golf for the 4 Person Ambrose jointly run by Cooroy Women and Cooroy Vets.

WinnersAs usual the ladies provided a great morning tea – there wasn’t much to clean up at the end as it had all been eaten. Vets Captain Grant kindly sponsored the prizes. Thanks to all those involved in organising the event.

Any team that includes the Cooroy Women’s Golf Director and the Vets Captain was always a good chance to perform well and they did.  Wendy O’Hare, Colleen Sykes and Grant Smallacombe claimed the main prize with a 4 under the card 32, nett 26 2/3 from Juanita Langford, Susie Thompson, Paul O’Hare and Rod Booth with 36, nett 29 1/8.

Wendy O’Hare made the 1st Hole her own with the drive and then an ‘eagle’ from 102m.  There were team high 5’s when it became apparent they didn’t need to play another shot.

The O’Hare’s had a very good day!

The event was judged a big success with planning already under way to extend the event to 13 holes next year.  Most agreed they had only just warmed up and it was over!