MEN (Saturday): Results for 25th August 2018

EVENT DATE:25/08/2018
TOURNAMENT or MAJOR EVENT NAME3rd Round Club Championship
WINNER – Division 1Phil Giblett 72/65 $50 b/cr
WINNER – Division 2Paul Korczynski 77/64 $50 b/cr
WINNER – Division 3Mike Kent 80/60 $50 b/cr
RUNNER UP – Division 1Russ Rylance 78/66c/b $25 b/cr
RUNNER UP – Division 2Gordon Green 81/66 $25 b/cr
RUNNER UP – Division 3Rod Roemermann 94/67 $25 b/cr
PLAYERS in Rundown: 

J.Scanlan 66, D.Wippell 67, K.Brittain 67, K.Harkins 68, C.Trist 68, P.Gannon 69, C.Gannon 69, G.Osborne 69, L.Grainger 70, R.Powell 70, P.Dudman 70, B.Jesberg 70

NTP – 4th Hole (Acktion Fire Alarms)Craig Black 2 Golf Balls
NTP – 6th HoleGeoff Linde 2 Golf Balls
NTP – 7th Hole (Coopers Brewery)Peter Buchbach Coopers 6Pack
NTP – 10th Hole SUPER PINLee Grainger $53 b/cr
NTP – 12th Hole (Cooroy Hotel)Carolyn Foster $30 Cooroy hotel Voucher
NTP – 15th HoleJake Scanlan 2 Golf Balls
SUPER PIN JACKPOTNot Won Approx $570 next week
RAFFLE WINNERS:1. J.Scanlan 2. G.Linde 3. R.Blount Sleeve of prov1x each

The progressive scores after round 3 of the Club Championships in each grade both Gross and Nett has been posted on the notice board and the seeded draw for each grade has been decided.  Seeded draw commences at 9am next Saturday 1st of September. 

Please remember that to be eligible to play the matchplay championship you must record a Q on both your card and the board next Saturday.