MEN (Saturday): Results for 21st January 2019

EVENT DATE:19/01/2019
TOURNAMENT or MAJOR EVENT NAMEFinal Summer Stableford Championship
GAME TYPE:Stableford
WINNER – Division 1Tony Gordon 43 $50 b/cr
WINNER – Division 2Mark Kennedy 40 c/b $50 b/cr
WINNER – Division 3Summer Champs Steve Parker 118 $150 b/cr
RUNNER UP – Division 1Kelvin Brittain 42 $25 b/cr
RUNNER UP – Division 2Adam Linde 40 c/b $25
RUNNER UP – Division 3Summer Champs George Hall 116 $50 b/cr
PLAYERS in Rundown: 

41: G.Flanagan 40: P.Carroll N.Ackland J. McDonald M.Topper 39: G.Michael M.Kent R Roemermann 38: G Giblet B Robertson G Leatherbarrow G Linde R Blount S Parker N Kostalas J Daniels

NTP – 4th Hole (Acktion Fire Alarms)D Vesey-Brown 2 Balls
NTP – 6th HoleD Pearce 2 Balls
NTP – 7th Hole (Coopers Brewery)A Linde Coopers 6 pack
NTP – 10th Hole SUPER PINM Kennedy $65 B/cr
NTP – 12th Hole (Cooroy Hotel)Assunta – Cooroy Hotel Voucher
NTP – 15th HoleP Buchbach Hole in One – 2 Balls
SUPER PIN JACKPOTMark Kennedy – $835 B/cr
APPROACHES1st Hole Men – Lumpy 2 Balls-Women – A Skinner Tonkin/Cordwell award
RAFFLE WINNERS:G Linde, T Bernhagen, A Linde Sleeve Pro V1X each

Congratulations Mark Kennedy Super pin Jackpot winner and Peter Buchbach hole in one at the 15th.

And special mention to Steve Parker Summer singles Champion – Runner up George Hall and best Woman Doone Flanagan.

All of you will notice your bar credits have increased.