WOMEN (Tuesday): Results for 28th February 2017

EVENT DATE:28/02/2017
GAME TYPE:Stableford
WINNER:Weang Brown 11
RUNNER UP:Tina Thomas 10 c/b
RUNDOWN:Aileen Morton 10 c/b
Wendy Morse 9 c/b
Kaye Gilmour 9 c/b
Carole Clancy 9 c/b
Colleen Sykes 9 c/b
APPROACHESCarole Clancy. Bronwyn Neate.
GOBBLERSColleen Sykes

It was a lovely morning to play golf with temperatures marginally lower and we can actually see some grass coming through. A nice field turned up and I think some might have been absent because they had such a big day yesterday at Noosa.

Congratulations to the winners and it was fantastic to see one of our new players taking out an approach….well done. If you are wondering why the scores appear to be low it was because this was a secret five only.

A nice field turned up and I think some might have been absent because they had such a big day yesterday at Noosa. Congratulations to the winners and it was fantastic to see one of our new players taking out an approach….well done. If you are wondering why the scores appear to be low it was because this was a secret five only.

I will be away for the next two weeks so happy golfing until then.

Juanita Langford
Tuesday Co-Ordinator.