WOMEN (Tuesday Club) – Oncology Fundraiser.. a Great Day

On the 26th May the Women’s Tuesday Club held a fundraiser day for Club Chemo of Noosa Hospital Oncology Unit.

We had a great roll up of 37 players and the Stableford event was won by Susie Thompson with 22 points.

The weather was kind, the course was in great shape and a fun time was had by all.  The raffles were won by Anita highland ( a beautiful painting by Gabi Dick…thank you once again Gabi…you are always so generous.)  A golf bag cover by Bob Watson, who also did a fantastic job with photos..thank you Bob. A party box was won by Jim Henderson…..another hard working vet.  Cushions donated by Karen Hall were won by Colleen Sykes and a stunning hand crafted bowl from Sandy Viney was won by Juanita Langford.

Everyone tucked into a scrumptious morning tea provided by the Tuesday Ladies.  Many people did so much to make this day the success it was ,  to you all THANK YOU.

However the best news of all was that we raised a whopping $907 …best ever.. and when the cheque was presented to the CEO of Noosa Hospital she was so impressed that she matched it and now the has a new Ultrasound Vein Finder.  I have put a thank you letter and a pamphlet about the vein finder on the Ladies notice board if you would like to see how this wonderful little machine works.

Well done everyone.

Juanita Langford – Tuesday Club Co-ordinator.