MEN (Saturday): Results for 14th July 2018

EVENT DATE:14/07/2018
TOURNAMENT or MAJOR EVENT NAMEAll Abilities Gold Coin Donation Day
GAME TYPE:Stableford
WINNER – Division 1David Tink 42points $50 b/cr
WINNER – Division 2Brendan Murray 42points $50 b/cr
RUNNER UP – Division 1Paul Dudman 37ptsc/b Umbrella 2balls
RUNNER UP – Division 2Craig Black 39pts Umbrella 2balls
PLAYERS in Rundown: 

37 A. Aves 37 R. Gibson 36 G. Caffyn 36 G. Michael 36 B. Robertson 36 J. Murray 35 G. Hall 35 T. Foster 35 D. Attrill 35 P. O’Connor 35 D. Pearce

NTP – 4th Hole (Acktion Fire Alarms)Jason Tearle 2Golf Balls
NTP – 6th HoleBrendan Murray 2Golf balls
NTP – 7th Hole (Coopers Brewery)Brent Jesberg Coopers 6Pack
NTP – 10th Hole SUPER PINKeith Harkins $50 b/cr
NTP – 12th Hole (Cooroy Hotel)Brian Clemow HIO $30Bistro voucher
NTP – 15th HolePeter Piggott
SUPER PIN JACKPOTNot Won Approx $200 Next Week
RAFFLE WINNERS:Mark Topper, Peter Piggott, Mike Miklenda Sleeve of Prov1 each.

A big thank you to our members for donating approx. $300 to All Abilities golf. Congratulations to Brian Clemow for a hole in one on the 12th hole…

Final results of the Winter Aggregate saw a 3 way tie on 117points with all players winning $50b/cr each and player of the year points the winners are.. Jeff Mcdonald, Craig Black, Doug Pearce.

Next Week is the Sew Direct 3Person Ambrose ..2men and 1women combination.

To be followed by a Prostate fundraising day on the 28th please wear BLUE to support the day.