COVID Update – New Checks & Controls

As you are probably aware, Queensland is expected to reach 80% fully vaccinated by 17th December.  

The Queensland government has put in place new checks and controls to be implemented once this level of vaccination is reached.

To comply with these requirements, part of the club will be partitioned off to allow unvaccinated patrons access to the starters window.

All patrons i.e. members, guests and visitors MUST check in at the bar immediately on entry to the club.


Must display their vaccination status to the bar staff. This may be achieved by using:

  • The green tick linked to the Qld Check In app.
  • A printed copy of their vaccination certificate which is available via My Gov.
  • A digital copy of their certificate via My Gov or the Medicare app.
  • A vaccination certificate on a card available from your GP.

Patrons who require assistance with this may seek help from the club manager or staff to check in manually.

Once requirements are satisfied, no further restrictions apply.


  • Must check in immediately on entry to the club.
  • May register and pay at the starters window.
  • May purchase takeaway only food and drinks from the bar.
  • May enter their scorecards into the card reader.
  • Once these tasks are completed, unvaccinated patrons must leave the indoor area of the club.
  • Unvaccinated patrons in outdoor areas are free from any further restrictions.

To bring our club into line with other organisations, we will be adopting a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to any abusive behaviour which may be directed towards our employees.  This behaviour includes aggression, offensive and sarcastic remarks no matter how minor, and will result in the person(s) being directed to leave the golf club property.  Our staff must abide by directives as set out by the Qld Health Officer so please be patient, calm and understanding.

Note:  Please support the club with these measures particularly checking in.  Our staff should not have to keep reminding people of this requirement which at times causes embarrassment and stress.  They are only trying to do their job.

For any questions or clarification, please address the club Manager or a member of the Committee. These requirements will probably change when or if, we reach the 90% vaccination rate.

Thanks for your support.

Peter Piggott
Vice President