MEN (Saturday): Results for 13/07/2019

EVENT DATE:13/07/2019
GAME TYPE:Monthly Medal
MONTH:2019 07
WINNER – A GradePat Carroll
WINNER – B GradeBrian Clemow
WINNER – C GradePaul Ohare
RUNNER UP – A GradeGrathan Leatherbarrow 82/71 c/b Glove
RUNNER UP – B GradeTony Hayes 87/71 c/b Bridgestone Glove
RUNNER UP – C GradeGeoff Edwards 100/72 Bridgestone Glove
PLAYERS in Rundown:

71: C.Trist B.Robertson D.Clayton 73: K.Stevens P.Dudman K.Harkins D.Wippell M.Arundel M.Loe

NTP – 4th HoleK.Davies 2balls
NTP – 6th HoleG.Flanagan 2balls
NTP – 7th HoleD.Pearce Coopers 6pk
NTP – 10th Hole SUPER PINR.Ashby $64 b/cr
NTP – 12th HoleK.Davies Cooroy Hotel Bistro Voucher
NTP – 15th HoleD.Tink 2balls
SUPER PIN JACKPOTNot won. Next week $1000 Approx
RAFFLE WINNERS:J.Kennedy C.Clancy C.Michael Bridgestone Glove ea

Finally a warm sunny day. Carts on and the full 18 holes available for play. Thanks folks for your tolerance thru this terrible wet period. It has been quiet a challenge rescheduling events and getting things done and dusted. Yours truly will be grateful for a continued run of good weather. The Winter Aggregate was finalized and Brett Robertson won with 77pts. Runner Up was Paul Korczynski on 75. Your Bar Credits have suitably increased gentlemen as has your P.O.T.Y. points.