Event Calendar – 2018 Program of Competitions & Events

Cooroy Golf Club has made the decision to cease producing the Annual Program Book in its current printed format and instead move to using the online Event Calendar available on the website as the principal source of reference for competition and event information.  

The Event Calendar is based on the widely used Google Calendar.

NOTE:  You can now access the Event Calendar from the Calendar tab on the main menu.

The key benefits of making this move are:

  • The Event Calendar is accessible from any computer or mobile device that connects to the internet.
  • Changes to events are quickly and efficiently accommodated.
  • It features expanded detail and descriptions for events.
  • It provides flexible viewing formats Week, Month. You can also choose an Agenda view, which presents all scheduled events as a list rather than as a calendar view.
  • It allows our program of competitions and events to be presented as a dynamic rolling 12 month view, assisting planning and scheduling.

We are mindful there are members who don’t have internet access.  The needs of these members will be addressed by making available a printed ‘next month’ excerpt of calendar entries, when required. 

TIP for using the Event Calendar

Click on the Month option and select a month to display events for the month.  Click on an Event heading to display information about the event, then ‘more details’ to display even more information.

click graphic to enlarge.