Cart Path Project: 1st Green and 17th Tee
Over the past few weeks, there has been considerable activity around the 1st Green and adjacent 17th Tee laying new concrete cart paths.
Thanks to the efforts of member volunteers the cart path work is complete with the final landscaping touches being applied as Margie Lucas, and Carole Clancy weave their magic creating a new garden at the 17th Tee. The timing is perfect as we head into spring.
Greens Director, Brad Lavender is full of praise for the volunteers …’we had members who had never picked up a trowel before in their life doing a wonderful job. Just because they couldn’t straighten their back when we finished doesn’t mean they didn’t enjoy it!!! Once again a BIG THANK YOU – it’s been a pleasure to work with you. By doing the work with voluntary labour, we saved around $4,300 in costs.”
All that remains is for cart drivers to stay on the concrete paths!
18th Tee Project
With funding support from Cooroy Vets, the Bridge Replacement Project at the 18th Tee is being extended to include concrete cart paths, tee leveling and landscaping.
Work has commenced with delivery and phase one installation of the new metal bridge completed.
We will be looking to put the newly acquired expertise of our volunteers to good use on this project.