MEN: Weekly Golf Report – 19th November 2016

Hello friends and welcome to an all new Men’s Weekly Golf Report hosted by your new Correspondent/ Critic, Windy Willows.

Each week I will be bringing you the member/visitor a roundup of the week at Cooroy Golf Club.

Patrons Day: Jim Dunstan’s Shield – Saturday, 19th November 2016

Event: 18 hole Stableford.

This was a great turn out by the Men’s Members of Cooroy, which was a big effort for some after the Joker’s Tour.

Winner Div. 1: Greg Flanagan 46pts

Runners Up Div. 1: John Stewart 44 pts

Winner Div. 2: Ron Blount 45pts

Runners Up Div. 2: Sid Legg 42 pts

Rundown: Finn 43, Hamilton 43, D.Sim 42, Sutcliffe 40, Giblet 40, Powell 39, S.Ewington 39, Stewart 39 (DRUG TEST PENDING) P.Priston 39, Jesberg 39, P. Jeucken 38, K.Tonkin 38, T.Bernhagen 37, C.Trist 37, G.Linde 37, P.Dudman 37, L.Grimsditch 37, M.Topper 37,

Pro- Pin:  This Weeks Pro pin was won by one of our Women’s Members Karen Hall at 9 cm.

NTP’s: 4th J.Stewart

6th N.Kostalas

7th B.Jordison

10th A.Stewart

12th K.Hamilton

Approach 18th: Pat Carroll

Sweepstakes: G.Flanagan 46pts

Raffle: G.Linde, B.Jordison, L. Grimsditch.

So all up a great effort by all.  The only casualty was poor old Kyle Reeves who had to pull out of event due to Jokers Food Poisoning. Looks like Pat Carroll is recruiting new members of the, I’ve got food poisoning crew.  Hope you feel better Kyle.

Don’t forget, Pennant Trials Sun 27/11/16 9 am. And listen in for new PRO-PIN.

Until next week, I’m Windy Willows.