Cooroy Ladies – Update

Cooroy 18-Hole Ladies played their 4BBB event on July 11th.  The course was in excellent condition after the rain and the field of 31 was greeted by a pleasant sunny day.  The winners were Trisha Gray and Gina Warriner with an outstanding 43 Stableford Points, followed closely by Carmel Clark and Adri Milan with 41 Stableford Points.

Unfortunately, our 9-Hole Ladies were not as lucky on Tuesday 9th they were greeted with gloomy skies, and the competition was cancelled.  Please be advised that if you wish to play the 9-Hole Competition you can play 3 rounds before you are required to join.  Wonderful for beginners and anyone wanting to improve their skills on the course.

Our Cooroy Golf Club Social Club is fantastic for anyone wanting to play an 18-hole Competition in a relaxed atmosphere, no booking required and no handicap required.  Men and ladies are most welcome just arrive between 6-6.30 on Sunday.