Golf News Update – 16th August 2024

Cooroy Golf Club Social Club played their Monthly Medal on 11th Aug sponsored by Paul O’Hare thanks, Paul. 

It was a small turnout and the winner was Lester Bonnell with 101 net 78.   Rowdy had a great game with 87 off the stick net 78 Eric Kenzler came in 3rd 94 net 82 and Ray Cao took 4th place with 96 net 84.  Just to prove there are prizes for all Yvonne Troman took out the Bradman prize for the highest score and also won the lucky draw. 

This Sunday we are playing 18hole Stableford off the yellow tees.  All are welcome to come and join us for a fun game.

Unfortunately, there is no news for the 9hole Ladies and also the 18hole Ladies as there was no play due to the weather.