Your update on what's happening at Cooroy Vets
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Warren wanted me to pass on his thanks to our players for doing the right thing on Wednesday by adhering to the traffic control and motorised cart guidelines.

I ask all vet members to read the attachment as it may give you an idea of the challenges that face the Cooroy Golf Club Management Committee.

The continued harassment coming from just a few of our members has had me thinking of walking away from your golf club. The only thing keeping me here is that I know that you are in good hands by people who care.

At a time when we need your support more than ever, it is very disappointing to see that a few will do anything possible to wreck your club.

I just don’t see any purpose to their agenda. If they really want to rule you and the club, just wait until the November AGM and put their hands up.

I know that members won’t always agree on certain things but once a decision has been made by a majority the correct thing to do is go with it.

A lot of members have been asked to sign petitions requisitioning a special general meeting by misrepresentation and deceit, a thing your Committee would never ask you to do.