VETS – NEWSLETTER week ending 31st January 2015


Eighty one players took part in Wednesday’s 2 Man Ambrose event.  The day included a compulsory stop at “Marty’s Hut” where Jim Henderson (right in picture) and Rod Harper (left) did such a good job in providing a free hamburger and drink to all.  Unfortunately guest of honor “Marty” was not able to attend.   Once again thanks to Jim and Rod for doing the cooking, and also to our sponsors “Noosa Outlook Prestige Meats”, “Richies Bakery, and “Cooroy Harvest Fresh” who supply the produce.

One thing I did learn on Wednesday was what a good player Brad Lavender must be.  He must be as my name has not appeared amongst the winners for about 12 months and so for us to win with 61¾, it surely must have been due to his skill, and not mine.

Great effort by runners-up Brad Jordison and Graeme Finn to finish with 62½ playing off a handicap of just 4½.

If I don’t mention 3rd place getters Kevin Olsen and Errol Radley who also finished with 62½ I will never hear the end of it, so there you are Kevin and Errolyour moment of glory for this week”.

It was nice to see our “Life Member” Jim Penman back out on the course.  Jim has had a long break from the game, and is hoping to ease his way back.   Let’s hope it is not long before we see “The Little Master” back amongst the winners.

This Monday, the 2nd of February we are playing a 3 Club & Putter Event.  Tee off is from 6.30 am – 8.00 am.   If wanting a game there is a sheet on our pin up board or just turn up and we will fit you in.

The Cooroy Ladies would like to know if we have any volunteers that could assist them as spotters for their Zone Committee Day on February the 23rd.   Please note this is the same day that we play our host day at Mt Coolum.   However, if you are not playing at Mt Coolum and would like to help out could you let me know?

Practice your putting for next week’s “Monthly Medal” as Bob Noble will be donating 9 balls to the player who records the least amount of putts.  Thank you Bob.


Welcome aboard to new member Derek Wood.  Derek is off to a good start with the Vets taking out Captain’s Choice prize and a place in the run down with Tony Bernhagen.


EVENT: 2 Man Ambrose
SPONSOR: John O’Donoghue

WINNER: Brad Lavender & Grant Smallacombe – 613/4
RUNNER UP: Brad Jordison & Graeme Finn – 621/2
3rd Place: Errol Radley & Kevin Olsen – 621/2

RUN DOWN:  Derek Clayton/Greg Flanagan, Denis Guion/Terry Lyons, John Woodward/Graham Laing, Bob Noble/Nick Kostalas, Tony Bernhagen/Derek Wood.

NTP: 4th (Richies Bakery) Jim Prendergast, 6th Brad Lavender, 7th Brad Jordison, 10th (Cooroy Harvest Fresh) Les Arthur, 12th Peter Reilly, 13th (Bar Voucher) Brian Flynn, 15th (Noosa Outlook Prestige Meat) Ray Glover.

CAPTAIN’s CHOICE – Hole 1, 2nd Shot: Derek Wood.

RAFFLE: Bruce Wilshire, Dale Rickard, Errol Radley, Ray Glover