VETS – NEWSLETTER week ending 24th January 2015


MARTY’S HUT (28th Jan) Yes this week coming we are putting on a free hamburger and drink at Marty’s Hut.  The hut will be open from 8.30am – 11.00am so collect yours as you go past.

Wednesday’s fine conditions saw 85 players take part and record some great scores with the run down stopping at 37 points.

The A-Grade result saw 3 players finish with 40 points, Denis Guion having the best back 9 was the winner on a count back from serial runner-up Bob Noble and John Stewart finishing in 3rd place.

Peter Reilly didn’t win the B-Grade but had a great back 9, Peter had 8 straight 3 pointers, but he could only manage to score 2 points on the 18th to finish with 26 points.

This year we have introduced a 3rd prize for each grade when we have a field of over 80 players. The current price levels are: Winner $40, Runner-up $20, and 3rd place $15.  These prizes are credited to your Cooroy Golf Club member account, unless other prizes are donated.

TEST YOURSELF:  On Monday 2nd February we are holding an 18 hole Stableford 3 club and putter event. The sheet for this game is on our pin up board and tee times are from 6.30am – 8.01am.  If you haven’t played in one of these events before, the rules are that you can only take out 3 clubs and your putter. You will only have to pay your social round fee to play and there will be a few prizes on offer.

Thank you to John O’Donoghue for his donation of 2 dozen golf balls that he had previously won. The balls will be used for prizes in next week’s 2 Man Ambrose event.  It is these, plus other player donations that make it possible to put on events like our sausage sizzles and our Marty’s Hut days.   If you are interested in sponsoring an event or part of an event please speak to Rod Booth or myself.

During my round of golf I stopped to say hello to our new green keeper. His name is Terry and he will be doing 4 days a week out on the course, please make yourself known to Terry as he is very approachable and although only been on the job a short time, loves what he is doing.   Of course our other greens staff, Paul, Chris and Damien also like to be acknowledged.

80 YEARS YOUNG.  It is hard to believe that Brad Lavender (pictured above in his ‘younger days’hard to tell the difference really) has just turned 80.  Brad has done, and still continues to do an enormous amount of voluntary work for the golf club.  I still can’t believe that he is 80 and may have to see his birth certificate as proof.  Well done Brad.


Our major one off operational expenses fall in the first 3 months of our financial year leaving us with a loss of $1,165.50 in the Operating Fund as at 31st December 2014.

We have reimbursed Cooroy Golf Club the cost of the 10th Tee Project – $4,253.65.  The project came in under the approved budget of $4,587.00.

Participation in our Wednesday competition continues to be very good with fields averaging 83.


The newly terraced 10th Tee and adjacent concrete cart path was officially opened on Wednesday afternoon.

Greens staff and any others involved are to be complimented on the very professional level of the work on this project.  There can be little argument completion of terracing the Tee and addition of the concrete cart path has raised the standard of the golf course.

Unfortunately however we have to report that the new Tee hasn’t raised the standard of golf – hopefully this is only temporary.   Each of those present at the official opening hit shots from the middle level tee but, somewhat embarrassingly, none were on or even close to the green.

The fact that very old balls were produced for the tee shots may have been a portent of what was to come!  The wayward tee shots were put down to nerves with the presence of an audience and “Bob The Photographer Watson” taking photos for the local rag.

You may have noticed the appearance of weeds in the newly laid turf.  It seems these may have been present in the new turf when it was delivered.  The issue is currently being addressed.

Pictured (click to enlarge) – Damien (Green staff) and Assunta (CGC Secretary) trying out new Tee.  Check out the Photo Gallery for more pictures.


Jimmy (Irish) Henderson continues as the Vets GolfLink and handicap liaison person with Cooroy Golf Club, Handicap Manager, Assunta Easton.

If you have any queries about GolfLink or your handicap speak to Jim.


EVENT:  Stableford
SPONSOR: Cooroy Vets

WINNER A Grade: Denis Guion 40, RUNNER UP: Bob Noble 40, 3rd PLACE: John Stewart 40
WINNER B Grade: Dale Rickard 45, RUNNER UP: Peter Reilly 43, 3rd PLACE: Terry Lyons 41
WINNER C Grade: Brian McMillan 43, RUNNER UP: Terry Hymas 42, 3rd PLACE: Dennis Beckhaus 41

RUN DOWN to 37 (all in): Peter Piggott, Bruce Cowan, Ron Bourne, Jim Gregg, Don Pigdon, John Woodward, Kevin Crundall, Col Easton, Errol Radley, Ray Lally, Laurie Staples, Michael Andersen, Grant Smallacombe, Tony Foster, Don Clelland.    

NTP: 4th (Richies Bakery) Phil Mason, 6th Dennis Beckhaus, 7th Les Terrans, 10th (Cooroy Harvest Fresh) Terry Lyons, 12th Ron Bourne, 13th (Bar Voucher) Denis Guion, 15th (Noosa Outlook Prestige Meat) Dale Rickard.

CAPTAIN’s CHOICE – Team Aggregate: Terry Hymas Team 163 – Terry, Dale Rickard, Dennis Beckhaus and John O’Donoghue.

Kevin Crundall, Doug Allisone, Charlie Adelberg, Brad Jordison


At our last District Veterans’ meeting mention was made of the Cooroy cart hire fee ($40) pointing out this was impacting on numbers visiting Cooroy.

Following discussions between Grant and Wayne we are happy to report that from now on the cart hire fee charged for visiting Vets on host days will be the same as our own member’s pay which is $30. This decision was made in the hope that this will attract more host day visitors and ensures they get value for money.