MEN (Saturday): Results for 19/10/2019

EVENT DATE:19/10/2019
EVENTRound 1 Mel Bonnell Memorial
GAME TYPE:4BBB Stableford
WINNERSGraeme Osborne/Tony Kershaw 50 c/b $50 b/cr ea
2nd PLACEAdam Linde/Joel Kennedy 50 c/b $25 b/cr ea
TEAMS in Rundown:

50 M.Davies/K.Davies 49 K.Griffith/R.Rylance T.Foster/R.Nash R.Roemermann/M.Miklenda L.Grainger/J.McDonald M.Kennedy/P.O’Connor 48 D.Pearce/B.Clemow B.Lavender/R.Williams 47 G.Hall/P.Dudman K.Brittain/Bronco P.Giblett/D.Wippell C.Gannon/D.Esposito

NTP – 4th HoleK.Brittain 2balls
NTP – 6th HoleN.Ackland Pete’s Cafe Voucher
NTP – 7th HoleK.Davies Coopers 6pk
NTP – 10th Hole SUPER-PINA.Campion $63 b/cr
NTP – 12th HoleD.Pearce Cooroy Hotel Voucher
NTP – 15th HoleA.Stewart 2balls
SUPER PIN JACKPOTNot Won.Next week $1200 Capped
RAFFLE WINNERS:L.Dawson C.Black R.Williams Bridgestone Glove ea.

Some welcome rain but not enough to deter a good field from playing the 1st round of the Mel Bonnell. As it stands 14 pairs are on 47pts or better with a top score of 50. An interesting day is in prospect next Saturday. You may find some scores adjusted. Some pairings had difficulty with their mathematics usually affording themselves more points than their score allowed. Nice try gentlemen. Cheers C.