Golf News Update – 26th September 2024

Volunteers Day took place on Friday 20th September. Warren and his staff designed a short course which proved to be quite challenging. Winners for the day Kevin Crundall, Sue Sendall, Grathan Leatherbarrow, and Karen Watkins obviously didn’t think it was challenging at all.

The chipping contest was hotly pursued, Carmel Clark thought she had it won and was enjoying her seat on the John Deere tractor, unfortunately for Carmel, Jenny Tucker had her eye on the prize and unseated her to take out the title Queen for the day.

Many thanks to Warren and greens staff who did a great job and nice to see them take some time off and enjoy the day. Also to Jim Henderson, Grant Smallacombe, and Andrew Dick for manning the barbie and collating scores.  It was a very enjoyable day appreciated by all who took part.

Cooroy Golf Club Social Club saw a total of 9 players front up after playing on the Saturday with the main club, many were a little fatigued and decided to have a sleepin, must have something to do with their date of birth. Winners for the day were Aiden Sellen gross 93 net 72 and Trevor Forbes gross 91 net 73.

Sunday 29th the social club will be having a 2-person Ambrose off the white markers.  If you are interested in playing arrive between 6-6.30 and you will be most welcome.

9hole Ladies had a very enjoyable game on Tuesday 24th which was the Vets Invite 4 person Ambrose 55 men and ladies combined to appreciate perfect playing conditions. The ladies provided a sumptuous morning tea enjoyed by all and the Vets kindly donated the prizes.

Jenny Tucker still hot from winning the chipping contest on Volunteers Day joined with playing partners Darryl Ayers, Anthony Jones and Diana Edwards to win the day with a convincing 34.  Prue Aldridge, Aileen Morton, David Tink, and Tony Watson tried hard but came in 2nd with 35.25.  Keep practising Tony it will happen one day. Last but not least Wendy O’Hare, Paul O’Hare, and straight down the middle Joyce McKay our 93 year old star, and Andrew Aves came in with 36.375 to take 3rd position.

Championships start on October 1st and run for two weeks so 9hole ladies must be available for two weeks. 18hole ladies are welcome to take part as long as they have played at least 5 games with the 9hole ladies previously.

18hole Ladies played 18hole Par on 26th September many commented that it is a hard game for little reward. Not so for the winners of the day. Shay Zulpo was a winner with a score of 3, Maree Foster playing well with a great result of 2 took out 2nd place and for 3rd place, Wendy O’Hare with a score of 2.  Llucky Elaine nudged out another player on 2 to take out 4th place.

Don’t forget to mark on your calendar October 17th when we have Tee Up For Cancer Day which will be a 4BBB Medley Stableford when pink is the order of the day. All men, ladies, and also social players are welcome to play.  Let’s make it a great day and raise as much as we can for a great cause. There is a sheet in the clubhouse if you are interested in playing.