From The Shed – October 2024

116mm of rain has fallen in the month of October to date. Bringing our yearly rainfall total to 1628mm and sees the course in very good condition.

I would like to thank Greens Director Andrew Dick and President Grant Smallcombe for his support and time throughout this period.


· Height of cut 3.5mm.

· Overall the health of the greens is good.

· Spiked 7/10/2024.

· Penatrant and nutrients applied on 10/10/2024.

· Phosphites and silica applied to help with plant strength and vitality 11/10/2024.

· Fungacide application applied 1/10/2024.

· Root hormone applied on 7/10/204.

· Rolling performed three days per week.

· Air2G machine on 16/09/2024.

· Grooming completed on 17/09/2024 and 7/10/2024.

· Top dressing the greens 18/09/2024.

· Granular fertiliser and amendments applied on 18/09/2024.

· Selective herbicide applications on greens 1, 16, 4, 2 and 15 has been applied to remove the winter grass (foreign grass), everyone has been complaining about. The reason these greens held winter grass for the cooler months was because I oversowed the surfaces with poa trivialis. This is the same family as the foreign winter grass, meaning I was unable to spray those selective greens. It was always in my planning to spray this grass out when we were able to start grooming the greens.

· Bare patches will be regularly spiked, top dressed and granularly fed to enhance regrowth.


· Height of cut 12mm.

· Aerated 3/10/2024.

· Granular gypsum and chook manure applied 7/10/2024.

· Ladies 15 tee resurface and leveling completed 3/10/2024 and is now growing in. First top dress applied 14/10/2024.

· Tees mowed daily.

· 11th tee cart path is completed.


· Height cut of 10mm.

· Aerated 1/10/2024.

· Liquid nutrients applied on 10/10/2024.

· Growth regulator to be applied in coming weeks.

· Traffic control added for entry/exits to help with stress control.


· Height of cut 14mm.

· Aerated 10/10/2024.

· Travelling irrigator added to maintenance program on dry fairways.

· Granular amendments (gypsum and chook manure) applied on 7/10/2024.

· Liquid nutrients sprayed on 4/10/2024.

· Bare patch and mounding systems completed and awaiting turf.

· New aeration a massive help as is the new tractor.


· Height of cut 51mm.

· Mowed fortnightly.

· Monitored on a fortnightly basis.

· Mounding system completed.


· Maintenance nightmare during wet weather.

· Water pumped out after rain.

· Edges and faces repaired after rain.

· Due to above maintenance, bunkers have survived wet weather well.

· Raked every day.


· All machines cleaned and degreased by staff during wet weather.

· Preventative maintenance on point.


· Staff need to be congratulated on their efforts to get the course ready for first round of club championships.

· Chris Walsh is settling in well and thoroughly enjoying himself and learning quickly. He has completed his three-month probation period and has been appointed to permanent staff.

· NDSHS student Joe is working well and enjoying his work experience. Joe is hoping to undertake a school-based traineeship in the future. He will also be working with us over the school holidays.


· Ladies 15 Tee – Resurface and re-level.

o Will be in play next week.

o Included retaining wall, garden and path

· Mens 5 Tee – Resurface and re-level

o Will commence in coming weeks.

o Included retaining wall and garden which I aim to complete in one month.

· Mounding System/Bare Patches

o Awaiting turf, organise working bee to lay turf on these areas

· Installation of signage stating “Greens Staff have Right of Way”.

Warren Smith – Course Superintendent