Review and Rewrite of Club Constitution

Cooroy Golf Club Inc. is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981. This incorporation means that the club is a legal entity in its own right and importantly, affords the club certain legal protections. As an incorporated association, the club must operate according to a set of rules, which are consistent with the Act. These rules are often referred to as a constitution.

The club has engaged with governance consultants, CPR Group, for a comprehensive review of the club’s constitution. A proposed new constitution has been prepared, which aligns with the provisions of the amended Act and reflects the contemporary provisions of good governance. The new constitution is proposed to supersede the club’s existing constitution, once adopted by members and registered with the Queensland Office of Fair Trading.

The management committee is keen to ensure members have an opportunity to review the proposed new Constitution before members are asked to accept the document at an upcoming general meeting on 12th November 2024.

We are therefore pleased to attach the following draft documentation for review:

  • Proposed new constitution
  • Explanatory covering note to Constitution

Questions, comments, or feedback should be directed to by 17th October 2024.

As always, thank you for your ongoing commitment, involvement, and love of our club.

Tina Thomas – Secretary
Cooroy Golf Club Inc.

2024 09 Draft Cooroy Golf Club Constitution

2024 09 Draft Cooroy Golf Club Covering Note