Your update on what's happening at Cooroy Vets
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Thank you to The Bush Boys for sponsoring our March Monthly Medal.

A-GRADE Monthly Medal Winner was Richard Gibson with a Nett 66.
B-GRADE Monthly Medal Winner was Dale Rickard with a Nett 66.
C-GRADE Monthly Medal Winner was Jim Bissett with a Nett 69.

Richard Gibson also won the BEST GROSS score with an impressive 72 off the stick.

The NTP’s for the day were:
1st – Grathan Leatherbarrow
2nd – Ron Blount (most accurate drive)
6th – Paul O’Hare
7th – Richard Gibson
12th – Jim Bissett
13th – Richard Green
15th – Keith Harkins

Next week we play a 2-Man Ambrose with a limit of 5 clubs (this includes your putter).

Please note that from next week the earliest start time moves forward to 6:30 am.


We travel to Tin Can Bay on the 5th of March. If you have nominated and can’t make it for some reason make sure that you let our Host Day Captain, Steve Paice, or Grant know as clubs are not happy with no-shows.

It is a 9.30 am shotgun start. Entry Fee is $15.00. You can book a hire cart through their “starters box” on 0409727577. Nominations close on the 2nd March 2024.


You may have been handed a paper or been asked to sign something lately by a group of disgruntled members.

I would like to point out a few things and perhaps give you a better understanding of why they have decided to go down this path.

Most of these people are from the minority group of the club who have been against the Gemlife proposal from the start.

The Gemlife proposal is now out of our hands as the courts will decide our future. Most of our members are over this difference of opinion and just want to get on playing and enjoying their golf. Unfortunately, others have taken a personal dislike to the Management Committee members and are out to do all they can to rip the club apart.

Cooroy Golf Club decisions are decided by a majority. Management Committee decisions are also made by a majority. CGC has 8 members on their Management Committee, therefore a majority of more than half present at any particular meeting are required to make any decision or pass a resolution.

In our current constitution, Management Committee members are all one-year terms. This means that in November every year, the members of the Management Committee must retire from office, but are eligible on nomination, for re-election. An ideal time for others to nominate.

There has been a long history and reluctance by CGC members to take up these positions in the past. Most likely due to the enormous amount of work and commitment that is required.

There are two options in how to remove a Committee if you don’t believe they are performing as they should, or if they are not acting in the best interests of the club.

Option 1, and this is always the preferred option as it does not cause interclub friction, is to simply wait until the next AGM and vote for someone you think is the best candidate for the positions.

Option 2, members call an SGM and attempt to remove the committee.

Next, I would like to state my position as Cooroy Veterans Golf Club Captain. I will work with any Committee that is duly elected at any CGC AGM as I have done very happily and successfully for the past 11 years. What I won’t be doing, is working alongside a Committee that due to personal dislikes for certain people takes over the Management of the club as per option 2.

In short, if these people are successful, I intend to resign from my duties as Captain of the Cooroy Veterans Golf Club. You will likely lose the services of your Vice-Captain of 12 years and most certainly lose the services of your Secretary-Treasurer of 13 years.

I come to golf each Wednesday to enjoy the experience, over the past 12 months I have had to put up with a small minority of our members' weekly snide and childish remarks. They need to grow up and get a life.

Finally, some advice from a person who cares. Don’t be coaxed into these people’s argument if you don’t have the facts, don’t be guided by rumours. These people have called previous SGMs and have a history of wasting our time and resources.

There are two words, “PETTY and PATHETIC” that come to my mind when I read the list of 13 grievances by these unsigned “concerned members”. Most have no substance, and some are not relevant as they are still a work in progress.
Let your Committee finish their work without these unnecessary disruptions.

Do you really want to support people who have no respect for the outstanding efforts of the volunteers at this club?

Grant Smallacombe - Cooroy Veterans Golf Club Captain


It is with sadness that we advise the passing of Laurie Mead.

Our condolences to his family and friends.

EVENT DATE:28/02/2024 GAME:Monthly Medal MONTH:2024 03 FIELD:75 SPONSOR/PRIZE DONOR/s'The Bush Boys' A GRADE WinnerRichard Gibson 66 Runner UpGary Menyweather 66 3rd PlaceKeith Harkins 67 B GRADE WinnerDale Rickard 66 Runner UpTony Foster 72 3rd PlaceJohn Butler 73 C GRADE WinnerJames Bisset 69 Runner UpTerry Wilson 76 3rd PlaceCon Russell 76 RUNDOWN TO:74 Best GrossRichard Gibson 72 NTP - 1st Hole …

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