EVENT: Stableford.
TROPHY DONOR: Wendy Morse.
WINNER: Aileen Morton (35).
RUNNER-UP: Doone Flanagan (34).
RUNDOWN: Rose Simmons (33), Fiona Buchanan (32), Muriel Willett (31), Chris Michael (31), Sue Sendall (31), Shay Zulpo (30), Tina Thompson (30), Fay Wiggins (30), Jocelyn Rabjohns (29), Assunta Easton (29), Lyn Blackmore (29 c/b).
APPROACHES: Colleen Sykes, Sue Sendall.
LONGEST PUTT: Jocelyn Rabjohns.
The extreme heat today depleted our numbers (and our scores). One member measured the temperature at 40 degrees out on the course. Congratulations to the 30 stoic women who played, especially those who walked. There were some very red and overheated faces entering the club house looking for some well-earned refreshments at the end of the game.