Captain-Grant Smallacombe
It was nice to see the “Tendulkar” of the Cooroy Vets back in action on Wednesday. “The Little Master” Jimmy Penman showed he has lost none of his form during his break from the game.
Dave Walder has now featured in 3 wins in a row. Are we in the presence of another “Black Caviar”? Time will tell.
Walker’s, Walker’s, Walker’s.
Having recently placed some of our walker’s a bit far away from the clubhouse, I would like to apologize; it was not done on purpose. To assist, so this may not occur again could all walkers please mark the time sheet with a W next to their name for all shotgun start events.
We can’t always fit all of our walkers close to the clubhouse, so we will then put them close to the green keeper’s shed, this you can drive to. Sometimes it is a good idea to check your tee allocation before unloading your clubs
Next time you see Graham Laing shake his hand. Graham scored his first ever eagle on the 16th in the 9 hole walk around on the 17th April in very trying conditions.
Don Pigdon has received medical attention to one of his knees and will be out of golf for about three weeks.
Don’t worry Don the job of taking out the NTP markers is still yours when you return.
Welcome to new member Matt Brindley. Matt is also a new member of Cooroy Golf Club.
Ordinary membership now stands at 114.
We had our first International visitor on Wednesday – Aloise from Luxemburg. Aloise played with Doug Allisone and from all accounts they immediately realized they could communicate in a language other than English.
RESULTS FROM 22nd APRIL 2013 (Monday)
A field of 56 players enjoyed a beautiful autumn day for the visit by Caloundra.
Jimmy Henderson (providor extraordinaire) excelled again with the pre-game light refreshments.
The Cooroy boys performed well with Ron Blount carding an impressive 44 points – and no dam detours this week for Ron.
A Grade Winner: Kevin Olsen 40 A Grade R/up: Kerry Martin 39 c/b
B Grade Winner: Ron Blount 44 B Grade R/up: Dave Walder 41 c/b
Run Down
Brian Flynn 41, Peter Reilly 40, John Senior (Cal) 39, Chris Ricketts (Cal) 39, Peter Ryan (Cal) 38, Jon Sendall 38, Glen Johnstone 38, Don Clelland 38, John Kelly 37, Brian Benson (Cal) 36, Jim Gregg 35, Ron James (Cal) 35
4th Grant Smallacombe, 6th Kevin Olsen, 7thBrian Benson (Cal), 10th Brian Benson (Cal), 12th Ken Morgan, 15th Kevin Olsen
Host Day Raffle
Mike Smith
George Duncan (Cal)
Ron Blount
George Duncan (Cal)
Chris Webb (Cal)
RESULTS FROM 22nd April (Wednesday)
EVENT: 4BBB Stroke
Field: 71
Jimmy Dunstan, Club Patron and 95 years young, presented the trophies on behalf Cooroy RSL Sub Branch and as usual had an amusing story to tell.
An elderly gentleman confides to his mate that his wife keeps telling him “he is only ever after one thing – the trouble is I can’t remember what it is.”
Another one of Jimmy’s – A sign outside a church “If you want to be saved from sin come inside”. Underneath someone had written in lipstick “If not call Dulcie on 1423567”.
Winners Ray Lally & Dave Walder – 57
Runners Up Jim Penman & Bill Edwards – 58
Run Down Con Russell & Matt Brindley – 60, Rob Nash & Ian McMullen – 60, Don Clelland & John Dangar – 60, Ken Morgan & Dave Chapman – 62, Kevin Olsen & Errol Radley – 62
4th Kevin Olsen, 7th Brian McMillan, 10th Ian McMullen, 12thJim Prendergast
Captain’s Choice
John Quodling & Kerry Martin – 75
Rod Roemermann & Brian Curson – 71
Raffle (Wednesday)
Jim Dunstan
Mike Miklenda (collect from bar)
Terry Harrison (collect from bar)