Tel: 07 5447 6258
Myall Street, Cooroy Qld 4563
PO Box 28, Cooroy Qld 4563
Clubhouse Hours: 6:00am to 6:00pm

VOLUNTEERS: Job Register

Click on the Job Name to view a full description for the activity.  NOTE: You can sort a column by clicking on the up/down arrow heads in the column title.

Job ID10
Job NoJ10
Job NameRepair Small Fairway Bare Patches
RR FlagYes
Date Created21/02/2018
FrequencyOne Off
TimingVolunteers may need to be available at short notice
Co-ordinatorDave Lyons
Mobile Phone0419-722-104

The objective is to encourage grass grow over of small bare patches on fairways.  NOTE: The target is small only patches surrounded by grass.

The work involves aerating, top dressing, fertilising and seeding, where necessary small bare patches on fairways.

A phased approach is planned as remediation needs to be coordinated with weather and growing season.
Status: Complete

Landing areas and approaches to holes near club house and adjacent to road.

  • Start on 17th fairway landing area, then over creek to green.
  • Then to approaches of  green and down to corner of 1st fairway.

23/2/2018 (Friday)- Fertilise selected areas.
27/2/2018 (Tuesday) – Aerate, top dress, seed as required

Volunteers involved in Phase 1: Dave Lyons, Kevin Crundall, Doug Pearce, Cyril Trist, Rex Williams

Outcome Summary:  The limited availability of volunteers meant that it was only possible to address parts of 17th fairway landing area and fairway on other side of creek.  Regrowth of grass is evident on remediated bare patches.

The 18th will be addressed in a future phase.
To be decided in advance of remediation action.

Physical Attrributes of Job:
  • Light to strenuous physical effort involving bending, lifting, digging, unloading and spreading top soil etc
  • Vehicle with trailer and utility with topsoil provided.
  • Volunteers bring garden forks for manual aeration, rakes and shovels.
  • Volunteers bring a couple of wheelbarrows if easy to manage.
  • Probably wise to also bring wet weather gear.
Special Instructions:
  • Any costs incurred with this work must be approved and signed off by Greens Director, Dave Lyons.


VolunteerIan Mulhall
Mobile Phone0418-725-308
VolunteerKevin Crundall
Mobile Phone0429-479-927
VolunteerCyril Trist
Mobile Phone0409-756-225
VolunteerRex Williams
Mobile Phone0429-002-849
VolunteerDave Lyons


Course Overview

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