Tel: 07 5447 6258
Myall Street, Cooroy Qld 4563
PO Box 28, Cooroy Qld 4563
Clubhouse Hours: 6:00am to 6:00pm

VOLUNTEERS: Job Register

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Job ID4
Job NoJ4
Job NameBall Washer Maintenance
RR FlagNo
Date Created07/01/2018
TimingCan be performed at time convenient to volunteer
Co-ordinatorRon Blount
Mobile Phone0412-114-620
Job Outcome

The most important objectives of a golf club are framed around creating a player experience and playability of the course.  Quality course hardware (ball washers, hazard stakes, tee markers, flags etc.) is an essential element of course playability and player experience.

A successful job outcome will:

  • Provide effective, well presented on-course golf ball washing facilities.
  • Provide enhanced player experience through quality, conveniently placed course hardware.
  • Ensure mower/equipment access is not impeded by ball washer placement.

The job involves maintaining on-course ball washer units so they work effectively.

  • Top up with water.
  • Add ball washer detergent as needed.
  • Replace drying cloths as and when needed.

The design allows ball washer units to be flushed and cleaned regularly.  Flushing is particularly important after wet weather as sediment accumulates in the bottom of the unit – players clean ball more frequently.

The job also involves:

  • Servicing the mechanics of individual units from time to time to ensure they operate in good working order.
  • Observation to ensure ball washers are conveniently placed for players – course conditions change over time.
  • Observing if placement of a ball washer impedes mower/equipment access.

If there is concern about placement of a particular ball washer the concern should be reported to the Greens Director.

Skills/Expertise Required:
  • Understanding of mechanics of ball washer – training provided
  • Observation and common sense
Physical Attrributes of Job:
  • Light physical activity involved
  • A water carrying utensil – watering can.
  • A supply of suitable drying cloths.
  • A supply of ball washer detergent.
  • Ball washer drain plug wrench to remove drain plug for flushing and maintenance.
  • Ball washer repair and maintenance kit.
  • Lubricant for servicing mechanics of units.

All of these are provided by the Club – see Wayne Patston.


VolunteerRon Blount
Mobile Phone0412-114-620


Course Overview

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