Set out below are the key results of the 2014 Vets Annual General Meeting held on 5th November 2014.
Election of Office Bearers and Committee:
The following were declared elected unopposed:
PRESIDENT: Kevin Crundall
CAPTAIN: Grant Smallacombe
VICE CAPTAIN: Jim Henderson
Bruce Cowan
Andrew Dick
Graham Laing
David Lyons
Mike Smith
Resolutions to Motions:
8(a) Annual Membership Subscription Fee for 2015
That the Annual Membership Subscription Fee for 2015 shall be $10.00 per Ordinary Member and $5.00 per Restricted Member.
Moved: Bill Edwards Seconded: Jim Prendergast
Reports to 2014 AGM
The following reports were presented at the 2014 AGM. Click on report to view.