EVENT DATE: | 09/03/2019 |
TOURNAMENT or MAJOR EVENT NAME | Golden Egg Championship |
GAME TYPE: | Stableford |
FIELD: | 64 |
SPONSOR/PRIZE DONOR/s | The Feature Group: P.Giblett: G.Giblett: D.Wippell: A.Thin. |
WINNER – Division 1 | Mark Topper 41points $50b/cr |
WINNER – Division 2 | David Chapman 42points $50b/cr |
RUNNER UP – Division 1 | Paul Dudman 40points $25b/cr |
RUNNER UP – Division 2 | John Butler 38points $25b/cr |
RUNDOWN TO: | 36 |
PLAYERS in Rundown: | A.Stewart 39; T.Bernhagen 39; A.Linde 39; K.Stevens 38; B.Robertson 38; G.Linde 38; R.Blount 37; I.Lumsden 36; R.Pajak 36; K.Griffith 36; R.Roemermann 36. |
NTP – 4th Hole (Acktion Fire Alarms) | R.Roemermann 2 Golf Balls |
NTP – 6th Hole | B.Robertson 2 Golf Balls |
NTP – 7th Hole (Coopers Brewery) | J.McDonald Coopers 6pack |
NTP – 10th Hole SUPER PIN | J.Stewart $60b/cr |
NTP – 12th Hole (Cooroy Hotel) | P.Korczynski $30 Cooroy Hotel Voucher |
NTP – 15th Hole | J.Stewart 2 Golf Balls |
SUPER PIN JACKPOT | Not Won approx $330 next week |
APPROACHES | Hole 1:Women: L.Taylor. Men: A.Stewart 2 Golf balls each. |
RAFFLE WINNERS: | 1. P.Dudman 2. C.Clancy 3. P.O’Connor. Sleeve of prov1x each. |
GAME DAY WRAP | A big thank you to the Feature Group: P.Giblett: G.Giblett: D.Wippell: A.Thin for their generous sponsorship of the Golden Egg Championship. Now the exciting news the winners of the Golden Egg Championship: Greg Flanagan: John Butler: Tony Bernhagen: John Cairns..on 38points winning by 1 shot. Congratulations boys on a great win today you all win $50b/cr each. |