From The SHED – Update as at 15th August 2013

  1. 150m of drainage work is complete on the 12th.
  2. The 11th green drainage will hopefully be completed by 20th August 2013.
  3. The pipe across the entry to the 11th green and the gully filled in will hopefully be carried out on the 27th of August.
  4. The drainage work on the 6th will be carried out either that same week or early the next week. Both should be a days work each however if the 11th runs over we will need to operate with a temporary green in front.
  5. The 5th green and the 6th green are to be extended this spring. The 6th will be mostly the back left corner, after we extended it previously on the right we always intended to come back and extend it further to the left, this will give us more pin positions at the back, the 5thwill be extended to the left to make up for the area lost between the green and the bunker on the right.These have been sprayed for the first time and will start to die off in the coming weeks, they will then be sprayed a second time before we will lift the dead turf on the 12th of September. Then on the 17th of September they will be planted out with scarifyings.
  6. Another successful working bee on the 13th August, it may seem sometimes that the work is not very important but I can assure you it helps us a great deal and you just need to take a look at the burn pile to see what a massive job they do. Will the 3rd of September work for the next one?
  7. Start times! Just a quick request to all comps that the start times listed are the times the first groups tee off, I know everyone is busting to get out there but our days are planned around the start times and when people hit off early it can disrupt our preparations.





Kirsty Herring – Course Superintendent